by Freddie Auvergne
Big Boi is the one from Outkast who isn't girl-haired dandy-dressing ladies man Andre 3000. Big Boi's got good style though and he can rap like fuck. Plus I've seen his house on MTV cribs and it's fucking awesome in spite of the breeding of weird blue dogs.
Outkast have been around for dooooonkeys and because Andre 3000 is such a photogenic chap with a bit of the publicophile about him Big Boi seems to be thought of as the quiet, steadier one in the engine room while Andre is at premiere drinking vintage Dom Perignon from a diamond and peacock feather goblet, lodged between the perfect bosoms of a virginal nubian goddess. Like fuck. Big Boi is x-fucking-centric and his music is too.
This is a savage rap album. Andre 3000 isn't on it because of some legal record label nonsense but everyone else is from newly massive, who-the-fuck-is-that-guy Gucci Mane to George Clinton. Oh yes, George Clinton. The best bits are all Big Boi though. It's fresh, inventive and it's now. I defy you not to buy this album after watching the video for new single Shutterbug with the volume maxed. I've got one of those cars on order by the way. If you need more then get some General Patton down you.
8 Forks out of Ten
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